Now What? The Quotable Linkspam Version

via zeitgeistmovement:

Do not let the nationalistic and jingoistic “Hooray! The evil terrorist is dead!” mentality seep into your head. If anything, this will be used to control you and drive support for more foreign empire expansion.

via crownroyalonice:

My mind is blown at the reactions to Bin Laden’s death on FB. So many folks seem to be missing the fucking point. One of my sisters is in the military and has been since 1998. So, I’m coming to this on ideological and pragmatic level. Let me be clear: War is bullshit. Killing Bin Laden is not a magic bullet. You can’t be anti-imperialist one day and dancing around praising our imperialist activities the next day. I’m too through.

via zuky:

“We live in a society whose leaders speak of killing and humiliating their enemies with barely-concealed chest-thumping and juvenile macho posturing. We live in a society whose budgetary priorities demonstrate a violent obsession with body-shattering weaponry and a distinct lack of interest in the health and well-being of human beings…And it begins at the top: with the corporatist kleptocracy of the US government, the global gangster state which dominates and exploits through violence and intimidation and the hoarding of wealth, granting favors to loyal subjects, issuing threats to the unruly, and killing rivals. If we can eradicate the culture of violence and misogyny and crime at the top of our society, then just maybe we’ll have a shot of eradicating it at the bottom too.”

via radicallyhottoff:

i want different achievements. I want to set our collective USA mind to peace. peace that comes with liberation rather than violent subjugation. i don’t want any more cheering and USA chants when another person is killed.

6) Erasing Racism From Racial Issues*

So according to the Daily Show (at least from the mouths of Larry Wilmore and Jon Stewart) this whole birtherism clusterfuck had nothing to do with race and was just about scaring old (let’s face it, white) people because they did the same thing to Bill Clinton.

The fuck?

Now, Clinton endured some mess from the GOP, but I don’t remember anyone asking him for his papers.

Or dressing him up as a pimp or ‘witch-doctor’.

Or a monkey.

Or having to deal with racists asking for their country back because it didn’t look white enough anymore.

Liberal fail, Daily Show, and somehow it always burns more than the shit we expect from the GOP and their ilk. Listen, Beef Stew, I need you and your staff to go read the following posts, right damn quick, because apparently we do have to acknowledge this fuckery:

Texas Birther Rep.: More Study Needed – motherjones

Is Obama an ‘affirmative action president’? – thegriot

Pull Over, that Ass Is Too Black! – elle, phd

A Daily Show dodge, racism is racism, not “opportunism” – reachblack

*heading is from content in my previous post.

On That News That I Don’t Even Want To Acknowledge (because, fuckery): PWB (Presidenting While Black)

via mother jones:

The birther hysteria won’t go away because in many ways the birther movement really isn’t about the birth certificate.

via the griot:

“During his presidency, no one ever questioned whether George W. Bush was qualified to attend Yale or Harvard Business School. Yet, he was a C student and an individual with no personal achievements other than his last name. Generations of Bushes had attended Yale, which is why W was admitted. It is assumed that he, like others before him, deserved it. White privilege is normalized in a society where a number of people still believe that an African-American does not deserve to attend an Ivy League school, much less become leader of the free world. Now that [Obama] is president, they must delegitimize him by claiming he is not a citizen, and that he was a bad student.”

via elle, phd:

When I first turned on the internet this morning and realized that President Obama had released the long-form version of his birth certificate, verifying that he was, indeed, born in Hawai’i, my first sarcastic thought was, “Bet some people finally regretting how we stole Hawai’i now.”

Beyond my sarcasm, though, I think the president has set a horrible precedent.


And why? He can’t really believe the people who even posit shit like this will ever be satisfied or accepting of his presidency. Instead of saying, “I’m tired of this shit, it’s ridiculous, so here is proof,” he should’ve been saying, “I’m tired of this shit, it’s ridiculous, and I won’t engage with it.”

My reaction was pretty much the same. Also, what’s next? Because we all know this won’t satisfy anyone, what in fresh hell is next?

Is he going to be screened against the terrorist watchlist like the 9/11 responders?

Maybe they’ll get someone from Torchwood over here to make sure that he’s not an alien? Full body scan by TSA (just in case)?

Oooh, I know! Throw him in water and see if he floats. Maybe have him walk over some hot coals.



Also, via feministe:

Obviously it is a fake. Obama says he was born in Hawaii. But we’ve all seen the show LOST, which was filmed in Hawaii, and no one survives childbirth on the island. So it’s IMPOSSIBLE that Obama was born in Hawaii, and this document is an obvious forgery. How stupid does he think we are? OBAMA LIES, DON’T BE SHEEP, VOTE TRUMP IN 2012.